Couple of point questions


bye bye baby tummy
in a couple of weeks im having my teeth done under sedation, i cant eat in the morning and i doubt i will eat in the evening after having it done

What do I do about my points,
I know your only meant to save 4 points a day but im on 26 points a day cause of BF so not eating 22 points in one day isnt good, should i maybe carry them all over or I dunno

I could probabaly manage to use 8 points if i have a few cupasoups but really cant see more then that

Also does what you use your points on make a differance, if i had a weak day and ate 6 points of chocolate for breakfast (dont ask lol) as long as i stayed in my limit would it effect WL?

finnally do I have to use exersize points?
Hey Louisa. Sorry to hear you have to have some teeth taken out. I had a lot taken out when i was younger under general anasthetic..(can't really spell) so i know what you are going through.

You will be absolutely fine though I'm sure.

With regards to your points i suggest you try and use as many as your points as possible during the day itself. I think you'd be quite surprised as to how many points and nutrients you can get from liquid based foods.

For example instead of having low point drinks you could make sure you have a couple of glasses of orange juice, or milk. Smoothies would also be good as you can get your 5 a day then. Soups like you say, porridge etc. I remember eating mash and scrambled eggs and mashed carrots etc when i had my teeth out.

Try and be a bit creative with things you like . I had to have mostly liquid foods the last couple of days as i have got a really sore throat but i have been try to eat some good things too.

You probably could save a few more than 4 points but try to keep the number as low as possible.

Hope that helps a little :) xxx and hope it all goes well