Moving up the plans


Full Member
Ok, need some help as starting to worry !
I`ve been on SS+ since about week 11 or 12, and although according to the charts, I need to lose about 1 1/2 to 2 stone more, I`m more than happy if I can lose another 7-10lbs.
Although a shortie (5ft), I`m really comfortable at around 10 stone (Im currently 10.6)

At the moment I`m more than happy with my weight as I can now fit into much nicer clothes, but that extra half a stone would be great.
Heres the problem, I`m terrified of putting weight back on once I finish the diet. I`m not worried about being able to eat healthily, but I`m worried that even if I move up the plans, my metabolism might be affected once I finish CD.

Last week I only lost 1lb, which was demoralising to say the least. Since Sunday, I haven`t lost a thing !Is my body getting too used to eating such a low amount of calories??

Has anyone been in this position, and if so, how realistic is it that I could lose that last half a stone by moving up the plans now??

Any advice greatly appreciated as I really am panicking that I might undo all the hard work.
Daft I know, maybe I`m just having an off day !!!
I think everyone is different, but generally you still lose weight as you go up the plans.
It depends how much your body needs and you won't know until you start, which I know is scary.
I'm sure you will be fine though - you've done great so far!
Please remember that the hot weather is likely to make you retain water. Lots of us are having smaller losses this week because of it!

I'm planning to start going up the plan once I have a stone or so left to lose.