Nothing to do with Atkins but I wanted to share it :)


Full Member
I love this story it really does make you think about the things that are most important in life.

A fishing boat pulled up and tied up in a small Mexican fishing village. There was a well dressed gentleman watching and complimented the fisherman on his catch and began up a conversation asking how many hours he spent to catch his fish.
“A little bit of time, not much” replied the Mexican.
“So why not stay out longer, and catch more of these good quality fish?” asked the foreign gentleman.
The Mexican responded, “Those fish are enough for feeding my family, I didn’t need to catch any more.”
The Gentelmen then asked, “What do you do on a usual day?”
“I sleep in, go out fishing, I play with my kids as much as I can, and enjoy spending as much time with my wife as possible. At night, I will go out to see my neighbors and friends, play the guitar, sing a little… I have a busy life.”
The foreigner interrupted, “I am a very smart business person with an MBA degree out of Harvard. I can help you! First thing is you need to become more productive while fishing. Spend more time on the ocean and catch some extra fish, sell these extra fish. With the extra money that you raise from the extra fish, purchase a bigger and faster boat. Then you can increase the amount of fish you catch and keep improving the performance of the boat which should increase your catch per day even further. Soon the increases begin to multiply and you can start to reinvest into a second boat, and then quickly into a third boat. Then with a fleet of boats, you can begin selling your fish straight to distributors in other countries instead of selling to wholesalers and middle man here in Mexico. Then you can move your family to Mexico City, Los Angeles, Vancouver and set up office in these cities.”
“How long will all of that take?” asked the Mexican.
“Could take about fifteen or twenty years,” replied the Harvard Graduate.
“Then what happens?”
“Then is when the interesting things begin to happen” laughed the foreigner. “Your business will soon be ready to go public, you can start selling stocks and make a lot of money!”
“Great! Then what happens?” the fisherman was becoming excited
“Well…. then you can retire…. you can retire to Mexico, live in a tiny fishing village along the coast, sleep late, play with your children, go out fishing and catch a few fish, spend more time with your wife, and have time to relax and socialize with your neighbors and friends!”
LOL, I love it. Thanks.
heard it before , stayed with me ... infact i gave up my dream of salon world domination because of this piece ;O) have to say that although my life is far from idylic i take my time and enjoy family time with my daughter , especially doing nothing ;)
Hey Sukie!!

hello stranger, how are you doing?