
Silver Member
Having done some research on Fat Acceptance Movements I would like to know your opinions. Do you think bigger people are discriminated against as openly as some would have you believe? Have you ever personally been discriminated against because of your size? Do you think it should be acceptable to be fat? (I mean morbidly obese here, not just a few pounds to lose).

Honestly? No, I don't think it should be acceptable. If it's acceptable then there's not so much pressure to do something about it. And let's face it, no-one would be on this site if they didn't want to do something about it. If they didn't know that being the size we are isn't good for us, it's not good for our health, our children if we have any, for our NHS, it's just not good. And I do think we need to do something about it. And that's why I'm here, that's why I'm doing a diet and changing it. I don't want to stay the way I am, I don't want my low confidence, my increased risk of certain illnesses. When I have kids I want to be able to run around with them, do anything. Not me like mummy's too tired after 5 minutes. Because let's face it, that's no good for anyone. We need to ALL be learning what a healthy relationship with food is like. Not just overweight people, but everyone. We need to promote healthy eating, it's not just fat people who have poor nutritional diets. So, there's my opinion, no, we shouldn't. Otherwise obesity continues to grow.